
It’s the ability to remain above all the obstacles that attempt to bring you down. Since life itself can sometimes feel like a magnetic force towards disbelief, pessimism and doubt, the connection to spirit is crucial. Throughout our lives our minds race around with unorganized priorities and we are easily convinced that all is hopeless. But the light at the end of the tunnel need not grow dim. Whether to the left or to the right, we can recognize goodness if we choose, it’s entirely up to us. We were made in the image of a God who only sees beauty and purity, therefore these are the lenses we too can look through.

Our humanness places us into situations that can appear as setbacks but in reality they are merely opportunities for us to become stronger in our faith and in believing without seeing. Each day that we are blessed with is a chance to not only see happiness but to be it for others. Why does this lesson surface later rather than sooner in life?  “The teacher that we come into this world as, becomes a student of this earthly life, gaining insight, understanding, empathy and forgiveness. Within us these virtues strengthen with experience and then we are called to teach again”. This was my mom, my definition of wisdom.