“Who” am I really?
I am complex yet simple
I am searching yet satisfied
I am happy yet sad
This is “what” I am, not ” who”
Why is finding the “who” so difficult?
My mind goes blank and my
stomach becomes a knot.
Do I “not” want to know me?
Who is “Me”?
Is the “Who” the “Me”?
So confusing and yet I will
search until I find
The” Who” is heaven sent
untouched, untainted and full of Love.
Where did “Who” go?
“Who” is here but is hidden behind “what”
and “what” begins to define the “I am”
“WHO” is honest, sincere, humble, meek, peaceful, kind, loving and gentle
This is Who I am, This is Who you are
Anna Ebeling 2000