I am so excited to have finally become courageous enough to make a Blog. To teach, affirm and empower others to see God in all that life brings has always been a calling. Here I will share my journey and illustrste how the pieces of my life puzzle that may have sometimes appeared to have come from entirely different boxes, ultimately fit together with perfection. Only recently did I begin to view this “beautiful” work as a process and thank goodness I did, for when the edges of certain pieces looked frayed, damaged or distorted I would whisk them to the trash only to realize that they could have been repaired with love and faith. The recycle bin has become a friend to me. Thru the years I’ve come to recognize that the final piece to completion is the key that will didplay the “Masterpiece ” we have always been.
The Dig
A friend, a guide, a confidant and supporter that loves unconditionally, thats what we’re called to be. Our essence contains each of these virtues and an honest look inside will show this to be true. Although the excavation may be treacherous the gems that we will find will make up for the effort. As the stars in the heavens so are the sites to begin. With our pics of belief and our shovels of faith we can begin to uncover our precious Souls that lie beneath the shifts of time. The unmet challenges, defeats and self imposed hatred rattled the ground bringing down mountains of earth under which we stay unexposed, like diamonds hidden in darkness. The unique facets we each possess cannot reflect God’s light until the many layers are removed. The travels may be many or few but all of us will discover the brilliance our spirits yearn to share. Hammering and scraping that pierce the ear are sounds of music to our hearts knowing that our prison release is just a “Dig” away.
Anna Ebeling
For today Lord
If everything in life is connected then every action, thought and word that we put out into the universe affects everyone and everything. The results of what we do today definitely affects our tomorrows. Procrastination adds more work to our future to do lists so I try hard to stay abreast of my daily callings. The activities that cause most stress are the things that are easily pushed aside, so today I pray for strength and determination to follow through on my responsibilities whether fun or not. It’s hard for a mother of 6, grandma of 1 beautiful boy whom I don’t see nearly enough, a wife and co-business owner, to stay in touch with herself and prioritize. Faith in believing there is always someone I can turn to has been my salvation for I know that I could not have survived all the duties presented to me in this earthly life. The blessings have been many but the struggles sometimes attempt to fog my view of them.
As You Go Forth
About Me
Hello Everyone, my name is Anna. I am the youngest of six children, 5 girls and 1 boy. My father whom I adored passed from this earthly life when I was just 7. Ever since I can remember his presence has always felt obviously real and feeling that I missed out was never a thought. I believe in Angels and that we never lose our loved ones completely, just in body, thus I have no doubt that my father has been and always will be my Guardian Angel. My heart, mind and soul have been calling me to write for many years and I have attempted at various times to start a book but life seemed to keep me too busy to ever complete one. This blog will allow me to share bits and pieces of my journey and be a companion as I continue traveling.
Although I try hard to live my life without regrets, there is one thing that I would do differently if I could. I would have found a way to follow thru on a request from one of my mentors, George Rodonaia. He asked me to write his story but at that time I felt that my busy life schedule wouldn’t allow me to. When I finally felt that I could begin the process of compiling his life stories, I learned that he had passed away a month earlier. As one can imagine, I was consumed with sadness, loss and guilt but then I felt his presence in my life and I was reminded of all the he had taught me about spirit. He continuously reminded me that we are not humans having a “Spiritual” experience, we are “Spirits” having a human experience. Knowing this helped me to forgive myself and cleansed me of the guilt.
Family Tree

A peek into my heart
Vocation vs Job